Parkland & Paddock Trees
We have been supplying large, native or indigenous, homegrown trees for several decades for parkland and paddock planting; from large Cotswold estates to pony paddocks. These trees provide scale and high visual impact while creating shade and shelter for livestock. All these trees are available now in the sizes specified.

Tilia platyphyllos Aurea, container grown, 6 – 7 metres tall with a trunk girth of 30-35cm

Sorbus aria Majestica, container grown, 5 – 6 metres tall, on a clear stem for 3 metres with a trunk girth of 30-35cm. Also available Sorbus intermedia, container grown, 4 – 5 metres tall with a trunk girth of 20-25cm

Tilia cordata Green Spire, container grown, 6 – 7 metres tall with a trunk girth of 30-35cm

Carpinus betulus, feathered, container grown, 4 – 5 metres tall with a trunk girth of 30-35cm

Quercus robur, container grown, 4 – 5 metres tall with a trunk girth of 25-30cm

Carpinus betulus Frans Fontaine, container grown, 6 – 7 metres tall with a trunk girth of 30-35cm. Also available Carpinus betulus fastigiata, container grown, 6 – 7 metres tall with a trunk girth of 25-30cm

Juglans regia, container grown, 4 – 5 metres tall with a trunk girth of 25-30cm